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42 years no problem 67 years now a problem

Bruce McGraw • May 28, 2021
Back in 1954 a pipeline was laid, 300 miles with the last leg or 30 plus miles along the Wasatch Front to the refineries. What makes everything change in 1996? Same pipeline, same earth, same company, what changed? What would cause a company called Amoco Petroleum to all of a sudden want the ground cleared of everything except grass. That started land stripping that can still be seen from Highway 89 at the mouth of Weber Canyon, Utah.  The United States Department of Transportation has a silly little, simple requirement. The pipeline has to be visually inspected 26 times a year. A requirement established in 1976. Interesting that the plane can be used and the pilot likes to see bare ground. Makes a good point yet it is tough to see problems from the air. Those questions get addressed by a person visually inspecting the property. Could it be that Amoco failed the audit and was looking for a way to pass the buck of responsibility? Striking as a piece of paper, a document, a Easement covering the land above the pipeline. Forty two years what is the problem? It gives the land 
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